The revolutionary movement must serve as a bridge between this society and the next, between who we are now and who we must become to liberate ourselves from capitalism.
Anti-war demonstrations are a form of militant lobbying. Even radical direct action and civil disobedience aim to convince power-holders to do something different. This faith in government is misplaced.
Do you feel safe in this world? I don’t. Every morning, I wake up with a sense of dread, thinking, “OMG. I’m still here, and this is still happening.” I am not alone in this.
There are no ‘social determinants of health’ under capitalism. Nothing about this society generates health for people or their environments.
Inequality, racism, sexism – these social sources of sickness helped to build the wealth of nations, and they continue to build and maintain that wealth, despite the tremendous suffering that results.
Socialism is the Best Medicine