Socialism is the Best Medicine

Socialism is the Best Medicine

class struggle
How Canadians Lost Medicare

How Canadians Lost Medicare

Ontario’s Bill 60 has delivered a death blow to public medicare. The provincial medical system will no longer operate as a public service but as a profit-taking business managed by the private sector.

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Police Unions Expose Class Conflict in US Labor

Police Unions Expose Class Conflict in US Labor

The battle to remake society has begun. To remake it for the common good, workers must transform their unions into ones that fight for the common good. That means refusing to collaborate with capitalists and their police and orienting instead to the larger working class.

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Assembly-Line Medicine

Assembly-Line Medicine

Imposing the industrial model of productivity on the service sector has extended the class struggle to hospitals and schools.

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My Books

ReMarx Publishing - Sick and Sicker - Book
ReMarx Publishing - Power and Powerlessness - Book






My Books