From Picket Lines to Worry Lines Jan 18, 2018 | Psychology-Psychiatry“Politics of the Mind” emphasizes the class basis of mental distress. read more
Marxism and Psychology Feb 19, 2016 | Psychology-PsychiatryBiological psychiatry treats mental distress as an individual defect. Marxism treats it as the inevitable consequence of capitalist oppression. read more
Smokescreens: How Working Kills Smokers Apr 5, 2013 | CapitalismAnti-smoking campaigns hide the health-damaging impact of occupational and environmental pollution. read more
Madness, Power, and the Media Jan 3, 2011 | Psychology-Psychiatry“Madness, Power, and the Media” explains how images of mental distress and ‘madness’ reflect and reinforce the unequal social relations of capitalism. read more
Alienation and Dissociation: Two Sides of Powerlessness Jul 21, 2007 | CapitalismAlienation and dissociation can reinforce each other to create a deep sense of powerlessness. Organization provides the antidote. read more
Babel Jan 6, 2007 | StrategiesIn film and in life, the human struggle to connect conflicts with social structures that block connection. read more
Socialism is the Best Medicine