Three Principles of Working-Class Liberation
The revolutionary movement must serve as a bridge between this society and the next, between who we are now and who we must become to liberate ourselves from capitalism.
Whether or not George W. Bush is a psychopath, he does an excellent imitation of one.
Bush claims that opponents of the war against Iraq, whose children are at risk on the front lines, are too emotional to see things clearly. In fact, human morality is rooted in emotions or “gut feelings” that move us toward what is right and away from what is wrong. Without emotions, there would be no anger in response to injustice and no shame in behaving badly. People without emotions, without conscience, are considered to be psychopaths.
The American Psychiatric Association defines a psychopath as someone who meets at least three of the following criteria:
President Bush meets all of these criteria, as do all who enforce the same heartless policies.
A social system that puts profit first forces its rulers to behave like psychopaths. Empathy and compassion would make it impossible for them to trample human lives in their race for power and profit.
When capitalists flaunt their disregard for human life, it can seem as though humanity as a whole has no compassion. Fortunately, the ruling class do not represent the majority. They are as twisted as the social system they rule.
Human beings are born compassionate. Infants will cry when they hear another baby cry, but not when they hear recordings of their own cries. By 14 months-of-age, toddlers will try to soothe other babies in distress. At 18-months-of-age, youngsters are eager to help adults. As adults, both men and women list kindness as the character trait they most value in others.
In contrast, the war mongers behave like reptiles who have shed their humanity. They have no problem devouring our young to feed their own.
The revolutionary movement must serve as a bridge between this society and the next, between who we are now and who we must become to liberate ourselves from capitalism.
Anti-war demonstrations are a form of militant lobbying. Even radical direct action and civil disobedience aim to convince power-holders to do something different. This faith in government is misplaced.
Ontario’s Bill 60 has delivered a death blow to public medicare. The provincial medical system will no longer operate as a public service but as a profit-taking business managed by the private sector.